Turbine Games Q&A/Backstory/Q-10

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How set in stone is the storyline?

Asked: 2000.11.06
Name: Qal'raan Arunsun
Question Title: How set in stone is the storyline?
Category: Backstory
Question: ie, how much influence do the players have over the evolving storyline of AC? And is there any chance that at some stage players could submit possible storylines, like a "What do you think should happen next?" competition, the prize being your storyline being implemented as part of the game? Even if the player stories are just minor quests, it would still be neat to know you "created" the quest :)

Answered: 2000.11.07
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: We know where the story is going in broad strokes. We keep it flexible enough to accomodate other ideas we come up with along the way.

As I've answered elsewhere, player-submitted quests/stories/etc. are very unlikely, because of legal issues.