Turbine Games Q&A/Backstory/Q-29

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Why is it so hard in side the game to get backstory info??

Asked: 2000.11.22
Name: Anakin III
Question Title: Why is it so hard in side the game to get backstory info??
Category: Backstory
Question: There seem to be a very big gap in game as to where we can learn about the monsters that roam the earth . exept the othios in the libriary in Crag.The only alternative to this is to shearch the web for the lore of the game . Thats not good considering I must log out to learn simple info of the game that may or may not have a impact on the game play its self . So the question is Will I ever see a true libriary in game nothing fancy perhaps a NPC selling more books in game about the lore that is allready out there but just to hard to find

Answered: 2000.11.22
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: Yes.