Turbine Games Q&A/Backstory/Q-37

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Did the Olthoi have control over all of Dereth?

Asked: 2000.11.30
Name: Deric Windhamsun of Frostfell
Question Title: Did the Olthoi have control over all of Dereth?
Category: Backstory
Question: After the departure of the Yalain and before the arrival of the Isparians there is a 1000 year gap in the lore. Did the Olthoi spread to cover the whole island in that time period? Also, were there multiple Queens over that time period or just one long lived one?

Answered: 2000.12.01
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: Actually, the gap is only about 600 years.

Olthoi are territorial, like ants. Only one queen got here, and it was in her best interest to make sure there remained only one. She didn't live all those years, but her descendants always got an undivided throne, so to speak.

As for the rest of the world...

Uh, you don't want to go out there. Honest.

"Bugs, Mr. Rico! Zillions of 'em!"