Turbine Games Q&A/Backstory/Q-57

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How did the Empyreans loose?

Asked: 2000.12.20
Name: Skum
Question Title: How did the Empyreans loose?
Category: Backstory
Question: How did the Empyreans loose? They had better weapons, and better magic, so how could they lose to both the Shadows and the Olothi? In one of my questions to the gromnatross it was said that the Altan we're using are of much poorer quality than of those manufactured by the Empyreans. Our spells too are much weaker than those of those of the Empyreans. So how did they loose so many battles when they had 20-30 weapons with BD 10 on them? Asheron is a LV 711 mage (granted he is a atypical Empyrean) even if the rest of the Empyreans were only LV 100 the idea of them loosing becomes some what absurd.

Answered: 2000.12.20
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: Like most military operations, it's a question of numbers, strength, and surprise.

The Shadows and Olthoi both had effectively limitless numbers. Both swarmed in before the Empyrean knew what to do about them, and achieved huge early victories.

The Shadows now present in the world are considerably weaker than what the Empyrean faced. Remember, Bael'Zharon used miles-wide swathes of the Black Breath back then. Only two small, weak pockets of the stuff slew hundreds in the Ithaenc Catacombs. As for the Olthoi, you have not yet faced the godly might of a Queen. Like Pookie, she routinely clocks Admin characters. And with a Queen around, the brood becomes much more organized, capable, and crafty.