Turbine Games Q&A/Backstory/Q-67

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Why did the Empyrean's make diamond golems?

Asked: 2000.12.27
Name: Skum
Question Title: Why did the Empyrean's make diamond golems?
Category: Backstory
Question: In the zone story it says "The wide variety of Golem materials simply reflects the diversity of environments in which they were created. Empyrean enchanters apparently made use of the tools at hand." So why did the Empyreans make diamond golems? There weaker than Coral golems, and unless huge depostits of diamond exist in Dereth, much more expensive.

Answered: 2000.12.28
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: Originally, the Corals were considerably weaker than Diamonds. Remember that coral is alive, and builds up over the centuries. They're much crustier now than they were when aninmated.

I actually wanted to have big reefs along the sides of the naviagation channel, for the Coral Golems to spawn out of. We never had time for it. Corals themselves were a last minute "wouldn't-it-be-cool-if?" critter.

Also, there's a certain prestige that comes with D-Gols. If you can afford to throw away that much gemstone on a simple door guard...