Turbine Games Q&A/Balance/Q-05

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Magic Resist

Asked: 2000.10.31
Name: Fyrsign
Question Title: Magic Resist
Category: Balance
Question: By now you have seen every suggested "fix" to Magic defense that anyone could come up with. From having work incrimentally with damage reduction (as opposed to the "All or nothing" method it is now) to allowing shields to absorb a percentage of damage, with the protection radius of the shield operating the same as it does in melee (so back shots are as hard as ever).

My question is twofold:

1) Is it generally accepted in the Dev ranks that Magic Resistance as a skill (and as a concept) is broken.

2) Can it (will it) be fixed (as a skill or as a concept).

Answered: 2000.11.01
Name: Dell
Answer: Magic resistance is useful in specific circumstances, because it is after all, a free skill. At this point in time, it is unlikely that it will be further fiddled with.

It is most likely that you will see resistance to spells increased with content.