Turbine Games Q&A/Balance/Q-07

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Why does spear have 2 different variances?

Asked: 2000.11.01
Name: X-3-9
Question Title: Why does spear have 2 different variances?
Category: Balance
Question: Why do older spears, such as yaris, budiaqs, and regular spears have 75% variance while the newer spears have 60%?

I think spear is the only weapon that has 2 different variances (non -quest). Is there a reason not to make yaris and budiaqs and such 60%?

Answered: 2000.11.01
Name: devilmouse
Answer: Spears come in different flavors just like axes (axe v. hammer) and swords (rapier v. "normal").

The why is that DaveJ wanted to give spear users a stronger weapon without buffing the entire class.