Turbine Games Q&A/Balance/Q-11
From Drunkapedia
Original Link (now dead) - http://www.turbinegames.com/qa/view_questions.html?id=1669
A quest timer on the Tumerok Overlord?
Asked: | 2000.11.07 |
Name: | Tuq'ad |
Question Title: | A quest timer on the Tumerok Overlord? |
Category: | Balance |
Question: | Would you consider putting a quest timer on the Tumerok Overlord? Since the revelation that the Overlord is indeed on a unique loot profile, I've heard that he is camped beyond all definition of the word. People are logging into the room just before he spawns and getting the kill. Is there consideration for protecting unique resources like the Overlord so a given monster cannot be monopolized like this? Tuq'ad Great Game! |
Answered: | 2000.11.07 |
Name: | Stormwaltz |
Answer: | Quest timers can only be applied to specific preset items. Random loot spawns can't use them. If we decide the Overlord needs to be changed, it can't be accomplished with quest flags. |