Turbine Games Q&A/Combat/Q-46

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Monster Armor/Resistances

Asked: 2001.05.10
Name: Tsukemono
Question Title: Monster Armor/Resistances
Category: Combat
Question: Huh? Monster armor is separate for resistances? Please enlighten me...

AFAIK, for characters, resistances are multipliers to armor level, and apply to each "piece" of armor, including skin. So if I have AL 100 skin (due to an Armor shirt) and Fire Prot 6 on, I effectively have AL 200 vs. fire. Is this correct? Or are "prots" completely different from "banes" -- I'm thinking here that a prot is essentially a bane cast on your skin. If that's not accurate, please enlighten me =0. And, is it different for monsters?

Answered: 2001.05.10
Name: Eric
Answer: No, resistances aren't multipliers to armor level. They are entirely separate from armor.

Resistances are discussed in length here:

The thing you are referring to (the multiplier to your armor level based on the kind of attack that is happening) is what I am calling an "armor protection modifier."

So yes, protections and banes *are* completely different. Protections are not banes cast on your skin -- they improve your resistance modifiers, not your skin's armor protection modifiers.

There is no comparable thing as a bane cast "on your skin" -- that is, there is way to improve your skin's natural armor protection levels. The only way to affect your natural armor at all is to change its AL, such as through the Armor spell.

Is it different for monsters? No, not substantially. Monsters have armor levels (and armor protection modifiers) for each part of their body, just as if they were humans wearing various pieces of armor. In addition, they also have a set of Resistances, just like players (though their resistances are not all "1" like yours are before buffing).