Turbine Games Q&A/Dungeons/Q-22

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Phantom Points of Interest...

Asked: 2000.11.20
Name: NeoNewbie
Question Title: Phantom Points of Interest...
Category: Dungeons
Question: Alright, this has to do with the Points of Interest marked with green or yellow dots on the ingame map.

Occasionally, when I have nothing better to do, I'll bring up the map, find a nearby dot, and go check it out.

But it seems some of them are out-of-date or something. Recently, I tried to check out the POI almost directly Southwest of Sawato, and set out across the landscape, eluding a great many mosswarts and shreaths, and got there to find... an empty field. Nani? 0_o;;;;

A trip to CoD revealed nothing of interest in the area, and the POI in question wasn't clickable on their Javascript map. It seems a good deal of other points are also non-clickable. What's going on?

Answered: 2000.11.21
Name: Sean.
Answer: Yup. After spending way too much time checking this out, there appears to be nothing there.

I've entered it as a bug, and next time I update that map, I'll remove (or revise) that point of interest dot.
