Turbine Games Q&A/Landscape/Q-16

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Castle on a hill in the SW Dires - what is it?

Asked: 2000.11.06
Name: Straylight
Question Title: Castle on a hill in the SW Dires - what is it?
Category: Landscape
Question: I know that's not much detila, but this thing can't be missed. It's a little mini-keep situated atop one of the black mini-mountains near the HoLL. The odd Advocate tower that is "bent" upwards is there as well (the one with the rock under the door which you can't gain entry to).

I once read that was a graphical model for the HoLL from the outside, for continuity's sake. Is this true? Is this something designed for future expansion, eye candy, or something us dum player types canna figur out?

Answered: 2000.11.06
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: It's just landscape decoration, to spruce up the horizon.

The crashed advocate tower was theoretically knocked down by the blast that created the Obsidian Plain. If you check, it should be canted away from the Plain.