User:An Adventurer/Guides/Quest Journal/XP100 Kill Tasks
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<NEWP> <LABE> XP100 <TITL> KT - Floesharks <NOTE> Task: 50 Floesharks NPC: Ryuichi Tai in Eastwatch Location(s): The Isle of Ruin (the island where Eastwatch is located) Reward: 30,000,000xp <DAYS> 13 <HOUR> 0 <MINU> 0 <LOC?> TRUE <LOCX> -43.000000 <LOCY> 90.300000 <TIM?> FALSE <TIME> 0.000000 <NEWP> <LABE> XP100 <TITL> KT - Grave Rats <NOTE> See Guide: 50,000,000xp (10% up to level 168) ***TAGS*** *Graveyard <DAYS> 0 <HOUR> 3 <MINU> 0 <LOC?> TRUE <LOCX> -43.300000 <LOCY> -65.300000 <TIM?> FALSE <TIME> 0.000000 <NEWP> <LABE> XP100 <TITL> KT - Repugnant Eaters <NOTE> Task: 50 Repugnant Eaters NPC: Xun Yu in Eastwatch Location(s): Yanshi Lower Undermine (see Shield of Yanshi) The Isle of Ruin (the island where Eastwatch is located) Reward: 10,000,000xp <DAYS> 13 <HOUR> 0 <MINU> 0 <LOC?> TRUE <LOCX> -43.100000 <LOCY> 90.200000 <TIM?> FALSE <TIME> 0.000000